You’re engaged!
The time has finally come and your man has popped the much anticipated question of taking your hand in marriage, to spend the rest of your lives together, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do you part! Congratulations! What does this mean for you as the smitten bride? Well gals, this means it is time to get down to business and start planning your day! Because I was the first of my friends to be married I was left clueless on where to begin! Might I add, all that cluelessness left me starting in all the wrong places. Being a business owner, juggling life, and planning my dream wedding was a quite the whirlwind. Regardless of the ups and downs, I am proud to say my wedding was a huge success and still smiling about how great my wedding day was. For you, I want to share my advice and experiences as a royal DIY bride.
First on the agenda - Do’s & Don’ts for the initial steps in your days as a fiancée:
DON'T pick your bridal party right off the bat! -This is mistake number one I made, I was so excited about my news I had to tell everyone and felt bad telling some of my close friends without inviting them to have a special part. Which resulted in me being knee deep in too many bridesmaids! Wait until the excitement has settled, then decide. Who has been there for you for everything? Any special family members? Do not feel obligated to put someone you were once close with in the wedding, because there is a reason you are no longer close. And by all means, avoid all drama starters and negative Nancy's. There is nothing wrong with having no bridesmaids!
DO start a vision book! -Get a fun notebook with lots of room to glue and sketch, and get to work! I had an obsession with bridal magazines during my engagement, and when I was done I sold them within a day on Craigslist! So go ahead, have a magazine obsession ;) If you can't justify the magazines (they are expensive), check out websites like and, The Knot even has virtual boards you can make!

DO sign up for wedding websites- they will send you emails daily with ideas and tips that are so helpful and exciting to see in your Inbox. I recommend especially signing up for Martha Stewart Weddings, if you are a DIY bride, it will give you great ideas and the resources to get them done!
DON'T become bridezilla- or bride blabber mouth, people will begin to turn away from you and be annoyed easily; Especially your fiancé, and you don't want that! Bring up key points, and if people ask you how plans are coming feel free to indulge a little!
DO start a budget- I know it's hard to put a price on your dream wedding, but it has to be done. Think of how much more enjoyable it will be opening wedding cards, and being able to have fun with that money... Not pay off wedding debts. Start with asking your families how much they will be contributing, if they are covering it all, get off your booty and shake it because you are in luck! If not, take what you and your fiancé make a month, take your bills out of it, cut in some spots (dining out, going out, Netflix and other subscriptions) and work with what's leftover. Make a list of your top three things that are important to you in your wedding. Ours were dress, DJ and a destination wedding. Then get started on things that mean the most to you! Starting a budget can also let you know how much time you have until your ready for your wedding, once you know how long it'll take you to save, set the date!
DO have an engagement party- it will definitely help you to narrow your thoughts and focus on this one small party before the big day. Have a fun theme- Ours was a fourth of july bbq- Will post about this later :)
DO start a Pinterest! If you don't already have an account, this is the ultimate DIY bride headquarters. does get addicting!
Remember to enjoy this time!
You are only a bride once...